Zastosowanie metody helowej do datowania i rozpoznania warunków krążenia wód podziemnych w zlewni Gwdy


  • Tomasz Kotowski
  • Joanna Najman


Application of the helium method to dating and recognition of the groundwater circulation within the Gwda River catchment area.A b s t r a c t. 4He measurements for groundwater dating and recognition of the groundwater circulation purposes can be replaced by alternative total He (3He + 4He) concentration measurements because the content of 3He can be ignored in most cases. In this study the total He concentrations in groundwater were determined using the GC (gas chromatographic) method. To study the variability of He concentrations, a profile of ca. 65 km in length was employed. He concentrations are low compared to the analogous values determinedfor similar aquifer systems. Variability of He concentrations is also low in the study area. He concentrations determined have made it possible to estimate the residence time of groundwater in Cenozoic aquifers, which is ca. 3,000 years. Taking the mutually noted observations into account, this indicates relatively rapid groundwater flow and a strong hydraulic connection between the aquifers within the study area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia