Ocena stabilności składu chemicznego wód termalnych ujmowanych otworem Bańska PGP-1 w bańskiej niżnej, Podhale


  • Ewa Kmiecik
  • Klaudia Korzec


Analysis of chemical composition stability of thermal water from Bańska PGP-1 well, Podhale.A b s t r a c t. This paper presents an analysis of trends in the chemical composition of thermal waters exploited by Bańska PGP-1 well. Trends have been assessed for major ions (SO42–, Cl–, Na+, Ca2+), which determine the hydrogeochemical type of water. Assessment of trends was performed using GWSDAT software, using the results of the chemical composition conducted in the years 2001–2014. This assessment shows that the chemical composition of thermal water from Bańska PGP-1 can be classified as stable.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia