Regionalne instalacje do składowania odpadów komunalnych na tle granic GZWP na obszarze Polski


  • Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk
  • Jarosław Staszczak


Regional municipal landfills in relation to the location of the Major Groundwater Basin in Poland.A b s t r a c t. The aim of this study is to identify the location of the regional municipal waste landfills in relation to the Major Groundwater Basin (MGB) in Poland. Regional landfills were selected on the basis of local documentation for all 16 Polish voivodships. The replacement installations were not included in the conducted analysis. Designated regional landfills were marked on the map of the Polish MGB developed by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (accordingto the National Geological Archives as of March 2012). As the result of the conducted analysis of landfill locations in relation to the MGB it was found that 42 of the 115 regional landfills are located within the designated MGB areas, which represents about 36% of the total. Aquifers within the areas where regional landfills are located occur in rock formations of different geological age. Most landfills are located within the MGB on Quaternary formations; they represent approximately 35% of all sites within the MGB limits and 13%of all regional municipal landfills. Aquifers located in Quaternary and fissured-karst aquifers are most vulnerable to contaminants infiltrating from the surface. It is particularly important to monitor the quantity and quality of landfill leachate as well as the condition of groundwater in the surroundings of the landfills located within the limits of the aquifers, especially those of Quaternary age. The results of the study can further be included in the planning stage of the development of the next edition of the waste management plans at national or local level.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia