Możliwości identyfikacji suszy hydrogeologicznej na podstawie monitoringu i modelowania GIS na przykładzie regionu Dolnej Odry i Przymorza Zachodniego


  • Jacek Gurwin


Identification of hydrogeological drought based on monitoring and GIS modelling on the example of the Lower Odra and Western Pomerania region.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the problem of spatial analysis capabilities of hydrogeological drought based on long-term observations of groundwater table fluctuations in the national monitoring network and multi criteria modelling using GIS tools. An uncomplicated as possible scheme was developed, allowing for rapid qualitative assessment of spatial variability of susceptibility and exposure to drought. The mean values were determined from the annual lowest states of water table for every monitoring point being accepted for analysis. And drought periods were established. Afterwards the map of spatial distribution of drought was created and put in GIS modelling as the input layer together with other appropriate weighted overlay function parameters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia