Różnicowanie warunków przepływu wód współczesnych równi zalewowych na Niżu Polskim na przykładzie doliny środkowejWisły


  • Tomasz Falkowski


Differentiation of groundwater flow conditions in the floodplain areas of the Polish Lowland on the example of the Middle Vistula Valley.A b s t r a c t. Differentiation of groundwater flow conditions within the floodplains of the river valleys in the Polish Lowlands may result from polygenesis of their valleys sections, as well as from the evolution of river systems, which lasts from the end of the Pleistocene. The investigations, which were carried out in the middle Vistula valley showed that important factor for differentiation of groundwater flow conditions within the floodplain could be also the influence of the basement of contemporary alluvia. In the sections where it forms morphological protrusions, the basement affects the flood waters flow which transforms upper part of floodplain lithological profile.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia