Wpływ metod analiz na niepewność oznaczeń chlorowców w wodach powierzchniowych zlewni górnej Odry i w wodach kopalnianych do niej odprowadzanych


  • Małgorzata Dwornik
  • Ewa Kmiecik
  • Małgorzata Bebek


Influence of analyses method on uncertainty associated with halogens determination in Upper Odra River Basin surface water and coalmine water inducted to it.A b s t r a c t. In this paper the total uncertainty and its components (geochemical, sampling and analytical) were assessed with use of the empirical approach. For uncertainty estimation there were used results from analyses of normal and control (duplicate) samples, which were collected within monitoring of Upper Odra River Basin surface water and coalmine water inducted to it. Moreover, the influence of analyses method on the measurement uncertainty was examined. Results of ICP-MS, IC and titration methods were compared. The assessment of total uncertainty and its components was shown on the example of halogens (Cl −, Br − and I −) results delivered from normal and duplicate samples analyses.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia