Analiza czynnikowa jako metoda identyfikacji procesów kształtujących skład chemiczny wód podziemnych


  • Krzysztof Dragon
  • Justyna Jażdzewska


Factor analysis – groundwater chemistry origin identification method.A b s t r a c t. The article presents the classification of groundwater chemistry origin in the regional aquifer system located in the Wielkopolska region (west Poland). For identification of geochemical processes that affect groundwater chemistry factor analysis was used. Two groups of processes were identified: “anthropogenic” (i.e., caused by human activity) and “geogenic” (i.e., caused by natural geochemical processes). On the background of the natural changes of groundwater chemistry, the influence of ascent water on groundwater chemistry was identified. The presented results demonstrate that factor analyses is a reliable method for differentiation of both: natural and anthropogenic processes influencing groundwater chemistry, particularly during the early phase of anthropogenic groundwater chemistry transformations. The study demonstrates general usefulness of the groundwater chemistry differentiation for support identification of groundwater flow pattern. It also demonstrates the importance of using chemical data to verify multilayer aquifers connectivity.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia