Chemizm niezagospodarowanych wód mineralnych rejonu Buska-Zdroju i Solca-Zdroju


  • Józef Chowaniec
  • Tomasz Gągulski
  • Grażyna Gorczyca


Chemistry of not utilized mineral water in Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój area.A b s t r a c t. In Busko-Zdrój and Solec area two types of therapeutic waters: Cl–Na, S, I and Cl–Na, I are explored. Mineralization of these waters varies from 12.1 g/dm3 to 67.0 g/dm3 (brines). In this area we are also dealing with not utilized mineral water discharges appearing as springs as well as outflows in abandoned mineshafts. There are four chemical types with mineralization from 2.37 g/dm3 to 48.45 g/dm3. Water of the SO4–Ca type is related to a Miocene gypsum bearing series which is leached by meteoric water. This is a shallow water circulation. Water of the Cl–Na type (infiltrating brines) is linked to a deep water circulation occurring in the Upper Jurassic beds. Water of Cl–SO4–Na and Cl–SO4–Ca types is assorted water related to Miocene and Upper Cretaceous beds.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia