Badania hydrogeologiczne wybrzeża Bałtyku Południowego


  • Kazimierz Burzyński
  • Andrzej Sadurski


Hydrogeological investigation of the Southern Baltic coast.A b s t r a c t. The coastal area of the Southern Baltic is the limit of two different hydrogeochemical environments – fresh and brackish water of sea intrusion and salt ascending water from deep Mesozoic strata. Recognition of these waters occurrence and their origin started about hundred years ago in the Gdańsk region. The Vistula delta plane was the first area of the detailed studies. At that time two sources of the salt waters have been stated – salt water ascension from the Mesozoic strata in the central part of the delta and remaining sea water from the early stages of the delta evolution. The last mentioned belongs to the young relic sea water from the Littorina time. More detailed investigations along the polish Baltic coast has been started in 70. of XX century. The new investigation methods were implemented during last 40 years, especially geoelectrical logging, remote sensing, isotopic and chemical composition examination of water samples, noble gas dissolved in groundwater. The numerical simulation models has been applied and also groundwater chemical modeling is adopted in hydrogeological practice.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia