GEOLOGIA W SZTUCE I ARCHITEKTURZE Surowce skalne Zagłębia Wołyńskiego w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej i ich wykorzystanie
Raw rock resources of the Volhynia Province during the period of Second Republic of Poland and their utilization.A b s t r a c t. The evaluation of rock raw materials of the Volhynia Province in the Second Republic of Poland was performed at the PGI-NRI in 2013–2014 in order to create a museum collection of Volhynian igneous and metamorphic rocks, currently insufficiently recognized and preserved in many historical buildings in the Polish cities. The need to create this rock collection, with petrological descriptions, was of great importance to the knowledge of wider geology of rock raw materials, as well as for urban and historical research. Rocks from the Volhynia Province e.g. klesovite (also known as “leptite” or syenite from Volhynia), Old Korec granite, Osmaline granite, Volhynian gabbro and basalt etc. have been widely used in the interwar period as construction and road rock material. The Volhynia Provice in the Second Polish Republic had a similar importance for rock raw resources as the Lower Silesia Province (SW Poland) at present. However, our knowledge of the utilization of these materials in Polish architecture is so far limited because of the difficulties related to the recognition of these rocks, determination of the place of their origin and their ambiguous name nomenclature.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia