Kierunki zagospodarowania terenów pogórniczych na przykładzie wybranych geostanowisk Wzgórz Chęcińkich – stan aktualny i perspektywy rozwoju


  • Grzegorz Pabian


Directions for management of post-mining areas on the example of selected geosites in the Chęcińskie Hills – present-day situation and prospects of development.A b s t r a c t. The aim of the article is to show the present-day directions in land use planning of selected geosites in Chęcińskie Hills and their further development prospects. It pays special attention to the possibilities of development in post-mining areas for both educational and tourist needs. The author also suggests his own area division of the area, which reflects its future directions in land use planning and facilities development. The article describes three geosites: Zelejowa Mountain, Rzepka and Beylina and Miedzianka Mountain. It highlights their natural and cultural values and shows possibilities of land use planning in the context of geotourism and geological education in the area of Chęcińskie Hills.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia