ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Niemiecki projekt zmiany przepisów w Prawie Wodnym i Prawie Ochrony Środowiska dotyczących zakazu szczelinowania hydraulicznego i monitoringu ryzyka – implikacje do wydobycia gazu z łupków
The draft of changes in theWater Law and the Environmental Law in Germany, regarding prohibition of hydraulic fracturing and risk monitoring: implications to the shale gas extraction.A b s t r a c t. In Germany there is no agreement among politicians and local government officials regarding the safety and economic sense of the exploration and production of shale gas. However Germany does not reject completely the need to invest in the development of this sector. The political parties speak cautiously about the hydraulic fracturing, because they do not want to lose their voters. However, in a country which is in 70% dependent on the import of natural resources, the industry interest in the search for alternatives to Russian gas and oil energy sources increases. It is no secret that after the withdrawal from nuclear power, the German economy has to change its energy profile. Currently, Germany increases the use of coal, but could it have economic sense? Because of green certificates and European trend to reduce the emission of CO2, the Germans do not depart from the investment in shale gas. It is confirmed by the publication of a draft of amending the acts in November 2014. However some part of German society expected much more strict rules, including a total ban on hydraulic fracturing. The German law should, mobilize the Polish Parliament (Sejm) to develop a comprehensive law regulating the mining and geological activity that is in line with EU law.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia