ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Rozpoznanie budowy geologicznej podłoża obiektu ARENA w Krakowie-Czyżynach metodami geofizycznymi pod kątem występowania gruntów organicznych


  • Bernadetta Pasierb
  • Wiesław Nawrocki


A study of bedrock geological structure of the ARENA object in Kraków-Czyżyny using geophysical methods to detect the presence of organic soil.A b s t r a c t. Geophysical research assists in clarifying the methodology of future building work. The geological structure in terms of lithological variation of Quaternary and older formations was identified in the area of the proposed garage near the ARENA object in Krakow. In particular, the possibility of the presence of inserts of organic soils was determined. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) were used for more complete and comprehensive recognition of the ground. As a result of the study of the subsurface, thin interbeds of weak bearing organic soils have been found just outside the outline of the planned building. It was found that the Quaternary formations which were identified by geophysical and geotechnical methods are an appropriate ground for direct foundation of the object.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia