Z MINIONYCH CZASÓW Władysław Szajnocha (1858–1928) – wybitny geolog i inspirator organizacji nowoczesnej geologii na ziemiach polskich na przełomie XIX i XX wieku


  • Halina Urban


Władysław Szajnocha (1857–1928) – an oustanding geologist and organizer of Polish modern geology at the turn of the 20th century.A b s t r a c t. Władysław Szajnocha was born on June 28, 1857 in Lwów. After graduating University and Technical University of Vienna he was an employee at the National Geological Institute in Vienna. During his stay in Vienna he was investigating Jurassic brachiopods from the Eastern Carpathians, Cretaceous ammonites from the vicinity of Wieliczka as well as Cretaceous ammonite fauna of West Africa, fossil fishes from Monte Bolca in Italy and Carboniferous and Triassic flora of Argentina. He moved to Kraków in 1885, where he was a member of the Orographic - Geological Section of the Academy of Sciences. A year later he became the chair of the Department of Geology at the Jagiellonian University, called the “Cabinet of Geology”. In the years 1911 and 1916–1917, Szajnocha held the position of rector of the Jagiellonian University. He was also the first president of the Polish Geological Society, which was initiated in March 1920. He published two important works concerning researchers of the Carpathian Flysch: “Geological Studies of the Carpathian Mountains in Western Galicia”(1884) and “Mineral Resources of Galicia” (1891). He was also the author of 15 map sheets at the scale 1 : 75 000, included in the “Geological Atlas of Galicia”. A separate field of his geological researchers was related to the issues of oil exploration. Therefore, he took part in a series of expeditions to Turkestan, Austria, Norway and Sweden. Szajnocha is also the author of the article titled “On the National Geological Institution” (1907), published when country was not independent. Therefore, he can be considered as a pioneer of the creation National Geological Survey in Poland. Realization of his idea occurred 12 years later, after resurrection of Polish State and creation of the Polish Geological Institute. Szajnocha died on August 1, 1928 in Jaworz (Silesia) and was buried in the family tomb at Łyczaków Cemetery in Lwów.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia