Głazy narzutowe Trójmiejskiego Parku Krajobrazowego – potencjał badawczy i geoturystyczny


  • Piotr Paweł Woźniak
  • Karol Tylmann
  • Aleksandra Kobiela


Erratic boulders of the Trójmiejski Landscape Park – potential for research and geotourism.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the results of erratic boulders studies in the area of Trójmiejski Landscape Park (TLP) located west of the Gulf of Gdańsk. The research objects were boulders protected as natural monuments (66 erratics) and all boulders with long axis 50 cm within two testing areas (1100 erratics). Results show that erratics of the TLP often occur in clusters and their spatial density is even near 300 items/km2 in some areas. The authors selected 44 boulders which may be interesting research objects and/or have high values for geotourism. Nine erratics reveal features potentially suitable for the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides(TCN) dating. Moreover, high number of boulders in the TLP area gives the possibility for investigations of the directions of glacial paleo-transport based on indicator erratics and analysis of glacial striae. Distinctive zones of significant clusters of boulders characterised by high attractiveness and diversified values were also indicated.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia