Zastosowanie metod z grupy Electre III do szacowania względnej wielkości oddziaływania obiektów poprzemysłowych na środowisko


  • Izabela Laskowicz


Applications of the Electre III methods in estimating the environmental impact of post-industrial objects.A b s t r a c t. Revitalization of post-industrial objects is an important aspect of spatial management andminimization of negative environmental effects. One of the first decision making processes aimed at taking effective revitalization activity is to identify objects that require the most urgent actions. The analysis was performed with the example of the Chrzanow district, one of the most industrialized regions of the Małopolska Province. Twenty-eight objects have been inventoried and their environmental impact has been estimated based on previously distinguished six criteria. This is one of the types of decision making problem, which is called ranking actions from the best to the worst. The multi-criteria analysis of the Electre III method was implemented for this purpose. Decision- maker preferences were modeled by the thresholds (of preference, indifference and veto) and weights of criterion. In the final stage of the analysis, the modified Electre III-H method was implemented. The created hierarchy rank is consistent with the result achieved using an alternative method on the same group of objects.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia