Proterozoiczne podłoże krystaliczne polskiej części Bałtyku w świetle badań strukturalnych
Astructural study of the Precambrian crystalline basement in the Polish sector of the Baltic Sea.A b s t r a c t. This paper presents structural data and regional correlations based on drill cores from 8 boreholes (B2-1/80, B3-1/81, B4-1/81, B6-1/82, B6-2/85, B7-1/91, B16-1/85 and B21-1/95) penetrating Precambrian crystalline rocks in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. The crystalline rocks from the ftom these boreholes were compared to cores from several wells in Eastern Pomerania, and the Kashubian and Warmia regions and above all with the Mesoproterozoic granitoids and metamorphic rocks of Bornholm and Southern Sweden. The pre-existing basement map of the Southern Baltic, showing Palaeoproterozoic or even Archaean granitoid massifs and narrow north-south fold belts is questioned. Instead, in the present interpretation, the studied area of the Polish part of the Southern Baltic Sea is underlain by a fragment of the Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.47–1.43 Ga) Danopolonian („Hallandian”) orogeny, comprising mainly regional-scale ductile shear zones, which, striking probably in W–E to WNW–ESE directions, are characterized by the predominance of a thrust to transpressional strain regime with tectonic transport top-to-the S or SSW. The structural kinematic and lithological interpretations of these shear zones are based on comparison with the other parts of the East European Craton that are exposed in Bornholm and the Blekinge and Skne regions in Southern Sweden.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia