ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Mineralizacja markasytowo-hematytowo-ankerytowa w południowo-wschodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Marek Nieć
  • Maciej Pawlikowski


Marcasite-hematite-ankerite mineralization in the south-eastern part of the Holy Cross Mts. (Poland).A b s t r a c t. The occurrences of previously unknown, iron sulphide (marcasite-pyrite)-hematite and ankerite mineralization have been recorded in the eastern part of the Holy Cross Mts. They are located in the fault zones within Middle Devonian dolomites. Irregular recrystalization of dolomite and its replacement by illite is an accompanying peculiar feature. Similar disseminated pyrite-hematite mineralization is known in the hanging wall of the Rudki iron sulphide ore deposit. The occurrence and mineral composition of this mineralization allow to suppose it was formed by low temperature hydrothermal processes, close to the end of the Variscan orogeny.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia