Badania geofizyczne wałów przeciwpowodziowych metodą tomografii elektrooporowej – przykłady z Warszawy i okolic
Geophysical investigation of flood embankments using electrical resistivity tomography – examples from Warsaw and surroundings.A b s t r a c t. The spring floods in 2010 and 2014 yr have caused many weaknesses and interrupts of embankments. Especially a flood from 2010 was the greatest cataclysm written down within a dozen or so years in Poland. Financial losses arising from her reason are huge and amount to a few billion zlotys. The considerable part of these losses is associated with flooding areas located in valleys of rivers as a result of the break flood banks. The embankments which were to protect floodplains in many cases did not fulfil their role. In the article results of geophysical investigation using electrical resistivity tomography of chosen fragments of flood banks from Warsaw and surroundings is presented. The research was conducted in two areas of Vistula river valley. The first area included the fragment of embankment along Wał Miedzeszyński street in the area of Fieldorf street (Warsaw district Gocław). The other fragment of flood bank was in surroundings of Dziekanowskie Lake in Warsaw suburb Łomianki.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia