ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Formacja grabowska – podstawowa jednostka litostratygraficzna kajpru Górnego Śląska
Grabowa Formation – the basic lithostratigraphic unit of the Upper Silesian Keuper.A b s t r a c t. Lithostratigraphic division of the Upper Silesian Keuper continental succession belongs to abandoned matters, even if newly-discovered sites with unique vertebrate faunas highlight an increasing request to more precise designation of their stratigraphic setting. As a result of multidisciplinary grant and with a guide use of new borehole sections, a major lithostratigraphic unit is formally proposed for the middle Keuper (i.e., above the Schilfsandstein; Stuttgart Formation in Stratigraphische Tabelle von Deutschland, 2002), based on previously inaccurately used unit, Grabowa Formation of Bilan (1976). The re-defined Formation of Variegated Mudstones and Carbonates from Grabowa includes Upper Gypsum Beds and Steinmergelkeuper in traditional scheme from Germany (=Weser and Arnstadt Formations), and generally correlates with the Norian stage. Two bone-bearing horizons (Krasiejów and Lisowice) are placed within the unit, which is completely subdivided in three members: Ozimek (mudstone-evaporate), Patoka (marly mudstone-sandstone) and Woźniki (limestone).Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia