ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Założenia i cele polityki surowcowej zawarte w krajowych dokumentach strategicznych
Role and aim of mineral raw materials policy presented in national strategic documents.A b s t r a c t. The European Commission (EC) started works on mineral policy in last years. In 2008 EC launched the EU Raw Materials Initiative in order ensure security of raw material supply for its economic growth. Sustainable supply of raw materials from European sources, increasing resource efficiency and promoting recycling are the main tasks presented in many EU documents, including European Innovation Partnership on raw materials announced in 2013. It was highlighted the possibility of effective and efficient use of raw materials as a basis for future economic growth and employment in Europe. The scope of paper includes primarily non-energy raw materials at its role in Polish strategic documents. Even EC prepared a lot of documents concerning mineral policy, in Polish strategic documents there are only few records concerning non-energy minerals, but in June 2014 the Ministry of Economy announced "Assumptions for the Action Plan in the field of security of Polish non-energy raw materials", and has taken the role of coordinator in the preparation of a coherent document. Existing principles and objectives for non-energy raw materials included in national documents have been analyses.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia