ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Granice złóż gazu ziemnego Lachowice i Stryszawa w świetle testów rurowym próbnikiem złoża


  • Stanisław Dubiel
  • Mirosław Rzyczniak
  • Marek L. Solecki
  • Michał Maruta


Boundaries of the Lachowice and Stryszawa gas deposits in view of DSTtests.A b s t r a c t. Identification of hydrocarbon accumulation boundaries within an oil field area is an importantfactor for making decisions whether or not to drill out and develop the field, or to give up extraction insome parts of the areas. As an example, two gas/condensate fields in the Devonian strata of the WesternCarpathians are presented in this paper. These deposits were found at various depths in the Miocene basementin two separate tectonic blocks. Boundaries of the Stryszawa field were identified with the traditional Horner method and with the modern log-log method on the basis of industrial data obtained with DST and production tests. Based on the analysis of the drilling-up and testing methods used in the L-4 well in the Devonian strata of the Lachowice field the authors formulated the causes of considerably lower inflow of reservoir fluid to the tester during four DST tests, and the inability to determine boundaries of this part of the deposit.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia