CZĘŚĆ II – DYSKUSJA Polskie podejście do CCS w świetle aktualnego statusu rozwoju tej technologii


  • Małgorzata Mika-Bryska
  • Elżbieta Wróblewska


Poland's attitude to CCS in the light of the current status of technology development.A b s t r a c t. CCS is perceived as a key technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels in installations like power plants, around the world. However, for many complicated reasons the pace of development of this technology is slow and particularly in the European Union there are still problems with launching at least one of expected for some years large scale CCS demonstration projects. The EU directive on geological storage of CO2 is practically inactive while the European Commission should shortly present an assessment report with proposals of some amendments. The technology needs support by intensified R&D programs as well as by construction of a number of demonstration projects. Also improvement of public perceptions of CCS and effective communicating to people the risks and benefits of such projects is important. In the EU CCS demo projects were supposed to be stimulated by the so-called NER 300 mechanism under ETS - designed to initiate construction of installation for testing various innovative energy technologies from the area of RES and CCS. On 24 October 2014 the European Council agreed to a new 2030 climate and energy policy framework. This includes a decision to continue and extend the NER300 facility which has raised over 2 billion Euro to support CCS and innovative renewable energy technologies since it was launched in 2010. The new agreement extends the facility to low-carbon innovation in industrial sectors and will have an initial endowment increased to 400 million of EU ETS allowances.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia