Rozpoznanie stref perspektywicznych występowania niekonwencjonalnych złóż węglowodorów w Polsce – nowe wyniki oraz dalsze kierunki badań


  • Teresa Podhalańska
  • Maria I. Waksmundzka
  • Anna Becker
  • Joanna Roszkowska-Remin


Investigation of the prospective areas and stratigraphic horizons of the unconventional hydrocarbonresources in Poland – new results and future research directions.A b s t r a c t. Studies that have recently been carried out by the Polish Geological Survey aim at, among others, deepening and supplementing the knowledge of unconventional hydrocarbon systems in Poland, including petroleum systems of the lower Palaeozoic in the Polish part of the East European Craton and of the Carboniferous in the South-Western Poland. The article presents the main principles and objectives of the research and the results of the project titled “Identification of prospective zones for unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations in Poland, stage I”,which is the only project that uses a wide range of recently conducted regional geology research and laboratory analyses, integrated with geological information derived from newly drilled boreholes. Geological constraints for the occurrence of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits in the Cambrian, Ordovician Silurian and Carboniferous rocks are presented. What is emphasized is the need to continue the work and to extend it to new research directions aimed at petroleum system modelling (e.g.burial history and analysis of hydrocarbon generation), and the need to refine and clarify some of the results obtained, supplementing them with an analysis of the latest data from newly drilled boreholes



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia