Z MINIONYCH CZASÓW Profesor Bohdan Świderski – niestrudzony badacz tektoniki Karpat


  • Jerzy B. Miecznik


Professor Bohdan Świderski – a tireless researcher of Carpathian tectonics.A b s t r a c t. Professor Bohdan Świderski (1892–1943) was one of the most outstanding Polish tectonicians of the Carpathians. In 1911–1917 he studied in Switzerland at Prof. Maurice Lugeon, a famous Alpine geologist, and was a collaborator of the Swiss Geological Commission. From 1919, Bohdan Świderski was interested in the Carpathian geology, especially in studying the Eastern Flysch Carpathians, poorly known at those times. As the first researcher in the Carpathians he applied a quantitative tectonic analysis to determine the relationship between the folding style and lithology, carried out geomorphological studies, and was an expert in petroleum exploration. He was a collaborator and an employee of the Polish Geological Institute, a professor at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the University of Poznań. After the outbreak of World War II, Bohdan Świderski was imprisoned in the German concentration camp Auschwitz. He died suddenly in 1943, shortly after his release from the camp.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia