Kopuła orlicko-śnieżnicka w świetle rozważań tektonicznych


  • Zbigniew Cymerman


The Orlica-OEnie¿nik Dome in the light of tectonic considerations.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents tectonic considerations on the geology of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (OSD), based on the published geotectonic, structural and kinematic data and reports on the OSD geotectonic setting, relating to the evolution of the Variscan collisional belt. Further progress has been done in the recognition of the structure and evolution of the OSD, and for many decades the dominant structural geology has been replaced with multithreading researches. However, the current tectonic interpretations are matched against pre-established schemas of structural evolution of the OSD. The OSD is most likely a fragment of the Moldanubian Terrane with the Variscan collisional sutures. The dextral transpression in a general shear regime and with the participation of strain partitioning has formed a thrust sheet package with the dominant tectonic transport top-to-the NNE, N and NW, with the exception of the NE part of the OSD. The development of regional-scale ductile shear zones in the OSD took place during the progressive tectono-metamorphic evolution from about 360 to 335 Ma. These processes resulted from the highly oblique collision of the Moldanubian Terrane (with the OSD) with the Brunovistulicum on the east and the Tepla-Barrandian Terrane on the W, and with a frontal collision with the Central Sudetic Terrane on the N.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia