Młoda geologia w Polsce – historia i działalność studenckich kół naukowych geologów


  • Aleksander Kowalski
  • Czesław August
  • Natalia Jakus
  • Wojciech Ozimkowski
  • Paulina Paca
  • Jan Raczko
  • Jakub Sauermann
  • Krzysztof Senderak
  • Paweł Urbanek
  • Mariola Zając
  • Katarzyna Zboińska


Young geology in Poland – history and recent activity of student research group of geologists.A b s t r a c t. Student scientific organizations and research groups create numerous opportunities for the development of interests and passions related to many fields of science. In case of geological sciences, student research groups are organizations which are conducive to exchanging first scientific ideas betweenyoung geologists and experienced researchers. These associations constitute also a generational bridge between students and their teachers. The beginnings of the first formal organizations of geology students date back to the second half of the 1940s and 1950s. Due to the nature of geological studies, membership in scientific circles, is associated from the beginning of their activities with many research trips and participation in conferences. This paper aims at presenting the history and contemporary activity of geological student research groups in Poland. We described five organizations, whose activities constitute an integral part of geological studies in our country. Authors wish to remind distinguished teachers and members of student research groups, who contributed to their development in a special way.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia