Muzea geologiczne dla edukacji i nauki


  • Włodzimierz Mizerski


Geological Museums for Education and Science.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the main problems related to the functioning of geological museums in the world and Poland in the education and science domains. The main target of a geological museum is hoarding and conservation of different geological objects that are geological heritage and should be protected at present and in the future. The museum’s approach must be attractive for both young and adult people. Mobile and interactive elements must be ensured fixed in the exhibitions and presented in an attractive manner. The most important, however, must be the real geological object. Museums have to offer geological heritage objects from different geological and mining sites which no longer exist. Geological museums are constantly created around geological sites, for example dinosaur tracks are presented as geological objects in the place where these tracks were found. The potential of Polish geological museums is very high, but only as regards their organization, science and education areas. The main problem of these museums is the lack of funding, because the role of geological museums in the education of society is unappreciated among administrators of these museums, for example of the Polish Academy of Science, Polish Geological Institute or universities, etc. The most important role of the geological museums is conservation of geological heritage and the best communication with society.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia