Wybrane aspekty geoturystyki w Polsce – obiekty podziemne i geoturystyka miejska


  • Paweł P. Zagożdżon
  • Katarzyna D. Zagożdżon


Some aspects of geotourism in Poland – underground facilities and urban geotourism.A b s t r a c t. The article presents an outline of the two issues concerning geotourism in Poland: the use of underground facilities and urban geotourism. The state of geotourist use of underground objects and scope of studies on geotourism in cities have been shown. More fully have been described two projects from Lower Silesia: a proposal of an underground geotourist route in Złoty Stok and a network of urban geotourist trails in Kłodzko. It was considered advisable to widen the geotourist agendas presented in the underground tourist objects and in the papers in the field of urban geotourism. There was highlighted the need for stronger use of geotourism for popularizing: basic issues of geology and related sciences, practical achievements of thesefields of knowledge, knowledge about the fundamental role of use of mineral resources in human life and in the development of civilization.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia