Zjawiska krasowe w skałach metamorficznych w Masywie Śnieżnika (Sudety Wschodnie): aktualny stan badań oraz znaczenie dla poznania ewolucji Sudetów w późnym kenozoiku


  • Artur Sobczyk
  • Marek Kasprzak
  • Adrian Marciszak
  • Krzysztof Stefaniak


Karst phenomena in metamorphic rocks of the Śnieżnik Massif (East Sudetes): state-of-the-art and significance for tracing a Late-Cenozoic evolution of the Sudetes.A b s t r a c t. The paper reviews the recent state of studies for karst phenomena on northern slopes of the Śnieżnik Massif, Krowiarki range and Złote Mts in East Sudetes with particular reference to Biała Lądecka basin. Confined spatial character of the drainage basin and cave sites within allow a better understanding of landscape response to climate and tectonic proxies controlling landscape evolution at least since the end of Miocene (Messinian). New karst passages discoveries from Niedźwiedzia Cave resulted in the recognition of several sites of allochthonous sediments deposited at different cave morphological levels up to 50 metres aboveKleśnica river floor. Furthermore, a new model of polygenetic origin for some karst chambers in Niedźwiedzia Cave originating from karstification processes and mass-movements superimposed has been suggested. Presumably, it may be linked with neotectonic processes and/or climatic changes affecting East Sudetes during the Late Cenozoic.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia