O specyfice parametru gruntowego w badaniach geologiczno-inżynierskich


  • Jędrzej Wierzbicki
  • Robert Radaszewski


On the soil parameter in the engineering-geological investigations.A b s t r a c t. The paper deals with the contemporary idea of soil parameter used in the engineeringgeological analysis. The statistical basis of a characteristic and a design value of the geotechnical parameter based on Eurocode 0 is given. On this basis the idea of soil parameter describing as a spline function and its use for subsoil probabilistic analysis is presented. Furthermore, correlation between the results of tests on undisturbed and reconstructed samples, based on diagrams from Polish Standard PN-B-03020:1981, is discussed. Finally, some conclusions regarding the necessity of amore advanced and complex approach to the engineering-geological analysis are proposed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia