Chemizm wód podziemnych w rejonie ujęcia „Lipce” i „Grodza Kamienna” w Gdańsku


  • Beata Pasierowska
  • Ewa Tarnawska
  • Mirosław Lidzbarski
  • Zbigniew Kordalski


The chemistry of groundwater in the area of the “Lipce” and “Grodza Kamienna” intakes in Gdańsk.A b s t r a c t. The article presents the results of groundwater chemistry studies in the area around the “Lipce” and “Grodza Kamienna” intakes in Gdańsk. In the northern part of the “Lipce” intake the groundwater quality has been low for the last few years; therefore it was necessary to pump water from two wells directly into drainage ditches. Currently, the benzene concentration in the groundwater exceeds the maximum permissible limit for drinking water (>1μg/dm3). Groundwater quality is also lowered by the presence of phenol, PAH and vinyl chloride (PVC). The studies showed variability of the benzene and phenol concentrations in the upper and bottom parts of the Holocene-Pleistocene aquifer. Chemical analysis of soil taken from drainage ditches revealed contamination caused by illegal sewage discharge emitted from a nearby factory, producing tar in the past.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia