Rozpoznanie zanieczyszczeń w wodach podziemnych w rejonie byłej Fabryki Farb i Lakierów „Polifarb” w Gdańsku


  • Anna Szelewicka
  • Tomasz Kowalewski
  • Mirosław Lidzbarski
  • Zbigniew Kordalski


Identification of groundwater pollution in the area of the former “Polifarb” paint and varnish factory in Gdańsk.A b s t r a c t. The research was carried out in order to identify and assess groundwater contamination in the area of the former factory of paints and varnishes “Polifarb” in Gdańsk. A network of temporary boreholes allowed specifying the size of the active sources of contamination and estimating the volume of contaminated rocks and the amount of polluted water. Two zones of polluted water have been identified, with different specific substances. In the first zone, located in the area of the former “Polifarb” factory and close behind it, the water contained polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), volatile aromatic hydrocarbons (BTX), phenols, petrol and mineral oils. In the second zone, chloroorganic compounds (VOC) were detected. Diagnostic modelling and prognostic simulations allowed a preliminary evaluation of the rate of pollutants migration towards the wells of the “Czarny Dwór” groundwater intake.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia