Czy CO2 można składować w łupkach gazonośnych i dlaczego? ShaleSeq – projekt finansowany ze środków funduszy norweskich


  • Marek Jarosiński


Can we store CO2 in gas-bearing shales and why? ShaleSeq Project financed by Norwegian funds.A b s t r a c t. Properties of carbon dioxide are favourable for its storage in shale both in sorption within organic matter or free within the pore space and open fractures as supercritical fluid.Well fitted are partially depleted shale gas reservoirs, bearing a dense network of tectonic and hydraulically induced fractures, which is necessary for both gas drainage and injection of large volume of CO2. A previous analysis indicated that storage of significant amounts of CO2 in productive shale complexes in the USA is technologically possible, but requires very intense gas exploitation in a vast area of several states. CO2 injection in partially depleted shale gas reservoirs can contribute to the growth of gas production by approx. 5–10%. Given the current state of research and the most recent estimates of shale gas resources in Poland, one may recognoze that the storage of CO2 with stimulation of gas production is not a viable alternative to sequestration in saline aquifers in Poland. Interdisciplinary research, with Polish-Norwegian collaboration within the ShaleSeq Project, undertakes complex problems of physical and chemical interaction of CO2 with gas-bearing shales of Pomerania. In spite of the fate of CO2 storage in shales all over the world, the findings of this Project might also be relevant for conventional storage in reservoirs which are usual sealed with shale cap rock.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia