Polskie uregulowania prawne dotyczące wyboru miejsca lokalizacji elektrowni jądrowej w zakresie zagrożeń geodynamicznych na tle wybranych regulacji międzynarodowych


  • Zygmunt Heliasz
  • Marek Jarosiński


The Polish legal regulations regarding the selection of the nuclear power plant location with respect to geodynamic hazard and its relation to international regulations.A b s t r a c t. The nuclear power plant site was determined following the formal analysis of the Polish economy and energy supply, with respect to societal reality. Beforehand, comprehensive studies were carried out covering essential geological factors and terrain circumstances. Every country undertakes sovereign decisions regarding nuclear power plants, based on legitimate regulations. In practice, guidance regarding general requirements, technical solutions and safety measures are derivative from experiences in other countries published by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The paper presents interrelations between the international guidelines and the Polish legal instructions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia