Analiza możliwości zastosowania metody tomografii elektrooporowej (ERT) do rozpoznania miąższości pokrywy laterytowej


  • Grzegorz Pacanowski
  • Paweł Czarniak
  • Arkadiusz Piechota
  • Radosław Mieszkowski


Applicability analysis of the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method for the diagnosis of laterite cover thickness.A b s t r a c t. The paper discusses the problem of determining the thickness of a laterite cover using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in a selected area of the Seram Island in Indonesia. Seram Islandlies in the tropical zone between the Seram and Banda seas. The laterite covers are rich in nickel, cobalt, iron and other metals. Concentrations of these metals in the laterites are high enough to form economic deposits. A significant part of the report concerns the measurement technique (ERT method) in difficult climatic (high humidity and temperature) and topographic conditions (equatorial jungle with significant variations in elevation) and the methods of processing and interpretation of the acquired data. The problem seems very interesting, because geophysical prospecting is currently more and more often conducted in poorly accessible regions of the world. Additionally, there are no sufficient and commonly available publications that would allow us to get acquainted with local measurement problems by potential contractors of similar geophysical investigations. The primary result of the geophysical survey was to determine the electrical resistivity of bedrock and laterite. This was the basis for the development of sections of electrical resistive distribution for the ERT profiles, which enabled to estimate the depth to the crystalline basement and the laterite thickness. It also facilitated to produce a map of laterite thickness, which may be an important material to develop the concept of searching and mining of nickel and cobalt ore.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia