Złoże węgla brunatnego Oczkowice – głos za właściwym rozpoznaniem hydrogeologicznym


  • Jan Przybyłek
  • Józef Górski


The Oczkowice lignite deposit. Voicing concern for proper hydrogeological recognition.A b s t r a c t. The article presents a critical opinion about the recognition of hydrogeological conditions described in the geological report on the Oczkowice lignite deposit. It is shown that the report does not include sufficient recognition of hydrogeological conditions as well as chemical analyses of groundwater in the Paleogene-Neogene aquifers, where an upward flow of high salinity groundwater from the Mesozoic basement was found. Moreover, the occurrence of sulphides in the Miocene sediments has not been proven, and it can significantly influence the water quality in the pit. There are also numerous errors and unacceptable simplifications in the numerical hydrogeological model which is an integral part of the report. It is assessedthat the recognition of hydrogeological conditions included in the report cannot be treated as a basis for a proper development of neither a report on deposit dewatering nor an Environmental Impact Assessment report.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia