Rola wstępnej oceny przydatności budowlanej podłoża w planowaniu przestrzennym na przykładzie Będzina
Role of preliminary assessment of the suitability of building conditions for the spatial planning – example from Będzin city.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the evaluation of building conditions and its role for spatial planning. On the basis of valorization of the geological environment within the city limitsthree areas differing in terms of the building conditions were identified: an area with poor building conditions (~ 16.4 km2), area with average building conditions (~ 13.4 km2), and area unde with good building conditions (~ 7.2 km2). The valorization was based on an analysis of archival materials, including predominantly: cartographic studies (geological map, hydrogeological map, geoenvironmental map), archival boreholes and geological documentations. Areas with poor building conditions should be identified and described in the spatial planning documents. Constructionoperations in areas with poor building conditions should be conditioned by the introduction of relevant records to planning documents, to rectify negative impacts on the health and lives of people, as well as on the environment.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia