Skład chemiczny wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych w zlewni Świerszcza (Roztoczański Park Narodowy)


  • Małgorzata Malata
  • Jacek Motyka
  • Bogusław Radliński
  • Agata Rogala
  • Andrzej Sokołowski


The chemical composition of groundwater and surface water in the OEwierszcz catchment area (Roztocze National Park).A b s t r a c t.Theaimof the studywas toevaluate the status of the aquatic environment in the Świerszcz Basin in the Roztocze National Park. Within the framework of the measuring programs (conducted in 2011–2015) we performed F2 groundwater and H1 river and indicator studies conducted in 2014–2015, chemical analyses of major cations, anions, micronutrients, and analyses of selected physical characteristics of groundwater and surface waters. Due to the exceedances of NO3, PO4, Tl, Se, Mo and Al concentrations in the water from springs and wells during the indicator surveys, it was assessed to require purification. The high levels of NO3 and PO4 testify to the effect of anthropoprotection, while the high content of the remaining components is most probably due to natural geochemical processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia