Analiza wpływu oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń bytowo-komunalnych ze źródeł rozproszonych na jakość wód podziemnych na przykładzie prac zespołu interwencyjnego państwowej służby hydrogeologicznej


  • Anna Kuczyńska
  • Rafał Janica


Analysis of the influence of sewage from diffuse sources on the groundwater quality, exemplified by research results of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey intervention team.A b s t r a c t. On-site wastewater treatment plants are designed to provide individual treatment of household wastewater to standards similar to those provided by municipal waste water treatment plants. In areas lacking sewage systems, they are an ecological alternative to septic tanks, but their correct functioning is determined by several factors, in particular sufficient infiltration parameters of soils and appropriate distance to the groundwater table. Failure to meet the above requirements may lead to disturbances in their functioning resulting in overflowing and, ultimately, pollution of surrounding soil and aquatic environment. This article shows a case study of groundwater pollution from sewage in a commune where over 400 on-site sewage treatment facilities were installed, funded from the EU programmes. During research conducted by the intervention team of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey it was found that the area of investment is characterized by low filtration parameters, and depth to the water table in many cases is limited and does not provide adequate filtration. Impact of the investment on the groundwater quality was demonstrated by analytical studies investigating the presence of microbial agents and pharmaceuticals.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia