Porównanie modeli przepływu wód podziemnych wykorzystujących metody elementów analitycznych AEM oraz różnic skończonych FDM


  • Grzegorz Nikiel


Comparison groundwater flow modeling using the analytic element method AEM and finite difference method FDM – a case study.A b s t r a c t . Solutions to many issues related to groundwater flow require mathematical modeling. Commonly used models for solving groundwater flow equations - finite difference method (FDM) or finite element method (FEM) are at present proven tools of hydrogeologists. The most popular MODFLOW – based FDM algorithm has been tested in thousands of cases and is now the standard in groundwater flow modeling. Apart from the known advantages of numerical modeling based on FDM or FEM methods, their disadvantagemight be the need of extensive discretization of the modeled area and finding a compromise between the accuracy and complexity of the numerical model. In general implementation of advanced numerical models of groundwater flow and doing extensive spatial discretization requires a commitment of considerable time and resources. The article presents a comparison of piezometric head FDM modeling results using the MODFLOW model with the results of AEM model using analytical method. The AEM model does not require discretization of the modeled area at all, which simplifies the data entry and allows for relatively quick modeling of the problem case. The absence of the discretization effort allows for quick change of model parameters, which in consequence allows to explore many variants of the simulation in less time than by using the FDM model. To compare the two modeling methods, the author utilized spatial discretisation that was originally developed within the FDM model applied for optimization of dewatering with the drainage wells of the construction excavations at the wastewater treatment plant in Myszków.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia