Ocena rezerwy dostępnych zasobów wód podziemnych w zlewniach bilansowych na potrzeby szczelinowania hydraulicznego


  • Robert Duda
  • Michał Maruta
  • Jan Macuda
  • Sylwester Tyszewski


Assessment of the reserve of available groundwater resources in balance catchments for hydraulic fracturing.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents a methodology for estimating reserves of available groundwater resources for use, inter alia, for the purpose of fracturing unconventional gas reservoirs. The assessment is based on the balance of groundwater available resources and water abstraction with the amount allowed by water intakes permits. The balance included a variant of the assessment of reserves of groundwater available resources under conditions of several years of drought, i.e. guaranteed resources. Estimation of reserves of groundwater resources was applied to water-management regions and to smaller units – the balance catchments, designated in the regions in order to determine the available surface water resources. The reserve of groundwater resources for established and guaranteed resources was estimated for the selected water-management region – theWietcisa river catchment. This catchment is part of the Stara Kiszewa concession for the exploration and exploitation of shale gas resources in the Lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin, northern Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia