Warunki występowania i migracji wwa w utworach czwartorzędowych w rejonie składowiska odpadów przemysłowych „Zielona” w Bydgoszczy


  • Dorota Pierri
  • Mariusz Czop
  • Stanisław Borczak


Occurrence and migration of PAHs in Quaternary deposits in the area of the “Zielona” industrial waste dump in Bydgoszcz (northern Poland).A b s t r a c t . The “Zielona” industrial waste dump in the former “Zachem” Chemical Plant in Bydgoszcz city is an active source of contamination of organic and inorganic substances directly related to the complex production profile of plants. A TOC concentration of 1,600 mg/dm3 has been found in the waste dump area. Inorganic substances occur also at very high concentrations, mainly Cl– (up to 11,000 mg/dm3) and SO42– (over 7,800 mg/dm3). Specific groundwater contaminants include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which have been found in all 13 piezometers around the waste dump. Concentrations of PAHs in the “Zielona” waste dump range from <0.08 μg/dm3 to 19.10 μg/dm3, with a geometric mean of 1.08 μg/dm3. Approximately 85÷90% of total PAHs is naphthalene detected over the region at the highest concentration of 16.2 μg/dm3. Three-ring compounds, such as: acenaften (max 1.19 μg/dm3), anthracene (0.219 μg/dm3), phenanthrene (0.650 μg/dm3) and fluorescence (0.802 μg/dm3); as well as four-ring compounds, such as:pyrene (0.14 μg/dm3), chrysene (0.042 μg/dm3), benzo(a)anthracene (0.045 μg/dm3) and strongly carcinogenic fluoranthene at a very high level of 2.76 μg/dm3 have been identified in the research area. The rate of migration of PAHs in soil and water environment in the “Zielona” industrial waste dump area is very small. Therefore, PAHs occur only near the source at a distance of about 100÷200 m from it. Furthermore, numerical hydrogeological modeling indicates that sorption takes place in a non-specific manner..



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia