Zastosowanie metody GC/TCD oznaczania He, Ne i Ar w wodach podziemnych do oceny ich wieku, na przykładzie wód z rejonu Buska-Zdroju


  • Joanna Najman
  • Tomasz Kotowski
  • Tomasz Kasela
  • Jarosław Bielewski
  • Ireneusz Śliwka


Application of GC/TCD method of He, Ne and Ar analysis in groundwater dating, using groundwater from Busko Zdrój region as an example.A b s t r a c t . The paper presents the method of chromatographic determination of noble gases concentrations (He, Ne and Ar) in groundwater. He concentration in groundwater is helpful in groundwater dating over a wide range of time. Ne and Ar concentrations are used to calculate excess air and recharge temperature of groundwater. Sulphide waters occurring in Cenomanian sediments in the southern part of the Miechów Trough in Busko-Zdrój, Krzyż and Kazimierza Wielka areas are the subject of research. The results of the noble gases concentrations measurements for boreholes: Busko C-1, Cudzynowice GT-1 and Wełecz S-6 are presented as well as the methodology of calculating concentrations of these gases and groundwater ages.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia