Badanie zależności położenia zwierciadła wód podziemnych od natężenia wtórnego niskoenergetycznego promieniowania kosmicznego


  • Agnieszka Kowalczyk


Analysis of the dependence between groundwater level fluctuations and intensity of low-energy secondary cosmic radiation.A b s t r a c t. Fluctuations of the groundwater level have complex origins. Among many natural agents influencing this phenomenon, researchers list cosmic factors, most commonly solar activities. However, publications lack results of statistical analyzes confirming this correlation. This paper presents the outcome of an investigation on the dependence between the low-energy flux of secondary cosmic radiation (determined by solar cycles) and the variability of the groundwater level. Data for the study originate from the cosmic radiation station in Moscow and from the PGI-NRI groundwater monitoring network and concern the period of 1966–2016. 711 groundwater monitoring sites, located all over Poland, have been analyzed. Calculated values of Spearman correlation coefficients have indicated good significant correlation in 65% of all analyzed points. The strength of the established relations is generally poor (30%) or very poor (18%). Correlations of moderate intensity are relatively rare (15%), whereas strong correlations occur only occasionally (2%). Very strong correlations were not detected at all. In the overall sample tested, the number of positively correlated points (37%) exceeded those with a negative correlation (28%). Also, the strength of the relations is higher in the positively correlated points. On national scale, it is possible to distinguish some areas with a dominance of points with either positive or negative correlations. Heterogeneous direction of the observed relationships allowed for a conclusion that there are unknown processes that model effects of the sun or cosmic rays on meteorological elements such as precipitation and air temperature, and thus indirectly influence the groundwater level.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia