Metodyka szacowania kosztów ustanawiania obszaru ochronnego GZWP na przykładzie zbiornika nr 138 Pradolina Toruń–Eberswalde


  • Jacek Gurwin
  • Kamil Pajewski
  • Katarzyna Sowińska
  • Mirosław Wąsik


Methodology of estimating costs of establishing MGB protection areas based on MGB No. 138 Pradolina Toruń–Eberswalde.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the methodology of estimating costs related to the legal establishment of MGB protection areas designated in hydrogeological documentations. The methodology outlines the actions allowing for carrying out balance sheets of costs arising from the introduction of rules, prohibitions and restrictions on land or water use in protected areas, compiled with the benefits of current and potential use of groundwater and preservation of current water quality. Implementation of the methodology is intended to help in the rational evaluation of the correctness of establishing protected areas. Pilot calculations were made forMGB No. 138 Pradolina Toruń–Eberswalde. The costs and benefits were estimated at the amount of 31.6 million PLN and 483.2 million PLN, respectively. Finally, the legal basis for the establishment of protection areas for this groundwater basin was addressed positively.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia