Zmienność czasowa stężenia naturalnych izotopów promieniotwórczych w wybranych wodach leczniczych Karpat polskich


  • Nguyen Dinh Chau
  • Lucyna Rajchel
  • Nowak Jakub


Temporary variation of natural radionuclidesʼ concentrations in selected mineral therapeutic waters of the Polish Carpathians.A b s t r a c t . The paper presents, the chemical composition and the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides (238U, 234U,226Ra and 228Ra) in selected therapeutic mineral waters from: Krynica-Zdrój (Zuber I, Zuber II and Słotwinka), Rabka-Zdrój (Krakus, Warzelnia and Rabka IG-2), Iwonicz-Zdrój (Elin 7 and Emma 7), Klimkówka (Klimkówka 27) and Lubatówka (Lubatówka 12). The analyses were carried out for water samples collected twice in 2008 and in 2016. The analyzed waters are used mainly for crenotherapy and therapeutic bathing. Some waters are also bottled and used for production of cosmetics and medicinal waters. The measured uranium activity concentrations in the studied groundwater were very low, below 3 mBq/dm3 and 11 mBq/dm3 for 238U and 234U, respectively. In the case of radium isotopes (226Ra and 228Ra), their activity concentrations varied in a wide range from ca. 150 to ca. 1500 mBq/dm3. The total mineralization of the analyzed waters varied from 3.5 to ca. 24 g/dm3. A significant variation of both chemical composition and radium concentrations were observed in the water from Warzelnia intake. For the remaining waters, variation of 226Ra and 228Ra concentrations was observed in three (Zuber I, Słotwinka, Emma 7), and six intakes (Zuber I, Słotwinka, Krakus, Klimkówka 27, Emma 7, Elin 7), respectively.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia