Anomalia hydrogeochemiczna w Tatrach – źródło z wodami siarczanowymi


  • Anna Wolanin
  • Stanisław Chmiel
  • Mirosław Żelazny
  • Łukasz Jelonkiewicz
  • Justyna Janusz
  • Stanisław Hałas
  • Andrzej Trembaczowski


Hydrogeochemical anomaly in the Tatra Mountains – a spring with sulphate water.A b s t r a c t. The paper contains the results of analysis of chemical, isotopic and trace metal composition of anomalous spring water in the Tatra Mts. Obtained data were the basis for an attempt to determine the origin of this hydrogeochemical anomaly. The spring is located in the Tomanowa Valley in the Western Tatra Mts. The spring water is characterized by the mineralization (TDS) above 500 mg/dm3. As regards the chemical composition of the water, Ca2+ ions show the highest concentration among cations, while HCO3 – among anions. The spring water has been assigned to the: SO4–HCO3–Ca–Mg hydrochemical type. Among trace metals, Sr, Ba, B, Li and Al. reveal The highest concentrations. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition(δ18O and δ2H) indicates that this is infiltration water. Delta values of oxygen and sulphur isotopes (δ18OS and δ34S) of the sulphate ion indicate that SO4 of this spring water is likely derived fromleaching of gypsum or anhydrite evaporites.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia