Analiza możliwości wykorzystania wód podziemnych z utworów czwartorzędowych w systemach geotermii niskotemperaturowej w Małopolsce. Część II. Przykład ujęcia Zawoja-3


  • Justyna Mazurkiewicz
  • Ewa Kmiecik
  • Barbara Tomaszewska


Analysis of the possibility of utilizing Quaternary groundwater in the low-temperature geothermal systems of Małopolska. Part II. The Zawoja-3 case study.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the assessment of utilizing Quaternary groundwater in low-temperature geothermal systems based on the example of intake I/828/3 Zawoja-3, located in the south-western part of the Małopolska Province. Based on the data on the water yield and water temperature, the thermal power potential of the water intake as the lower source for the heat pump was estimated. Using the empirical formula method and the relevant requirements indicated by manufacturers of heat pumps, the assessment ofthe groundwater quality of the Zawoja-3 intake with reference to its potential of scale formation and corrosivity were made (based on the 2000–2014 water analysis from the groundwater monitoring database). Moreover, the assessment of the stability of physical and chemical parameters indicated by manufacturers of heat pumps as beingimportant for the proper operation of installations was presented. The analysis has shown that the Zawoja-3 intake has a potential to utilizeQuaternary groundwater in low-temperature geothermal systems. However, for the safe and long-term operation of the system, it is recommended to use an intermediate heat exchanger before the heat pump.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia