Analiza hydrogeochemiczna wód siarczkowych obszaru Niecki Nidziańskiej na podstawie badań ich naturalnych wypływów


  • Iwona Lipiec


Hydrogeochemical analysis of sulphurous waters in the Nida Basin based on the study of their natural outflows.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the results of the hydrogeochemical analysis of sulphurous waters in the southern part of Poland in the Nida Basin region for a time span of 2014–2016. In this area occur four chemical types of natural outflows of sulphurous waters. These are: water of the SO4–(HCO3)–Ca, S type (spring Piestrzec and Senisławice), Cl–SO4–HCO3–Na, S (s. Owczary); Cl–SO4–Na, S (s. Gadawa); Cl–Na, S, I (s. Szczerbaków).Water mineralization of varies from 2.4 to 50.6 g/dm3. Geochemical modeling with Phreeqcallowed to determine the saturation state of the water solution relative to the mineral phases of the rock medium.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia